Greenhouse TREE 700 Frame

The greenhouse TREE 700 has a frame made of wood, specifically plywood from Baltic birch with pine blocks for a unique design. The wooden components are treated with an antiseptic agent for a bright green reflective color. The base is made of pressure-treated pine or spruce through a thorough procedure.

Sturdy frame of greenhouse TREE 700
Crafted frame of greenhouse TREE 700
Exterior view showcasing the stylish greenhouse frame
Greenhouse frame in outdoor setting
Exterior view of greenhouse frame +1
Resilient frame of greenhouse

Standard package includes:

  • Bjelke langside.
  • Bjelke kortside.
  • Horisontal bjelke.
  • Takbjelkjer.
  • Buer.
  • Buefester,  skruer.
  • Front og bak dører, store vinduer over dører.

Explore our wooden greenhouses:

These specially designed wooden greenhouses are built to withstand the harsh Nordic climate. The construction prevents snow accumulation on the roof and provides increased resistance to temperature variations. The wooden structure is less thermally conductive and more environmentally friendly. Properly assembled TREE 700 greenhouses look fantastic.

The base consists of 100×100 mm timber, horizontal frames are 20×90 mm, and doors and roof beams are 45×70 mm. The greenhouse is designed to be covered with plastic film, which is not included in the price.

You can customize the greenhouse with your desired foundation, either concrete blocks or other options, but the foundation is not included.

Greenhouse TREE 700 frame

  • Width: 7 m
  • Height: 4.2 m
  • Length: from 10 m

Norhage Industri

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